Welcome to my avatar page. Updates will be announced on my Poppy Board from now on, so go check it out. If you are here to pick up a request, go to the "request" page and read the instructions there. These avatars are for anyone to take, but PLEASE do not link directly to them and PLEASE do not take them for use on your own avatar page. That's not nice. All the avatars are 50x50 or less. I update this page very often, so if you don't see something you like, be sure to come back. Pages dedicated to certain animes will eventually have many avatars, if they do not now. To save an avatar, right click on it and 'save' or 'download image'. If the images don't load, refresh the page. And be sure to sign my guestbook!


If you would like to add a link to this page in your signature, just cut and paste the following text:

[URL=http://hinageshi.freewebspace.com/]Hinageshi's Avatars![/URL]


**Hinageshi's favorites**





All avatars are made from images from around the web. If an image is yours, let me know & i will give you credit or take it down. All images and names are (c) copyright of their respective owners/creators. All web graphics provided by Graphics R Us.



people served since 09.01.01

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